You will find a copy of your 2020 Combined Lecture and Laboratory Syllabus here:
2020 COURSE SCHEDULE (Excel version)
****NOTE: links to lecture outlines and other materials are available only on the Excel version of the schedule.****
Click here for your FINAL EXAM!
For your convenience, here is a summary of the 2020 field trip dates and report/draft due dates
This project
involves 1
required Virtual Field Trip:
Your Tar
River Field Trip Report will combine both field
observations and
laboratory data. The relevant deadlines are as follows (note
that times
are as important as dates!):
Field data due: Wednesday 09/02, 12:00 noon.
Writing tutorial session #1 must occur before 5 pm on Wedcesday, Sptember 2.
Tutorial session #2 must occur BEFORE 5 pm on Monday, September 07.
Although not required, you are STRONGLY urged to have a 3rd tutorial session for this report. This final tutorial session should take place no later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday, September 14.
writing tutor appointments are by appointment only!
Don’t forget to refer to the Field Trips and Reports Page for specific draft requirements.
This project
involves 1 required Virtual Field Trip:
session for Draft #2 must occur before 5 pm on Monday, September 21.
Although not
required, you are STRONGLY urged to have a 3rd tutorial
session for this report. This final tutorial session should take
place no later than 8:00 pm on Thursday, September 24.
writing tutor appointments are by appointment only!
Prospectus | Course Schedule | Field Trips | ECU Geological Sciences | ECU |
last revised: